Part Details

A06B-6055-H422 SP AMP

FANUC parts >> A06B-6055-H422 SP AMP

Part Name: SP AMP

Part Number: A06B-6055-H422

Exchange Price



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Non return of a repairable exchange part within 15 days will result in an additional invoice for the above exchange price.

Repair Price


Turnaround times for standard repairs are based on workload. Please contact Tri Star CNC services for emergency repair requirements.
Please contact Tri Star CNC Services to place an order.
FANUC SP AMP A06B-6055-H422

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FANUC CNC Parts Repair and Replacement Services

Get repairs for your A06B-6055-H422 SP Amp by sending your parts to Tri Star CNC. We always thoroughly inspect, repair and clean your parts before sending them back. To get started, fill out an RMA form and send it along with a contact form. You only pay for the necessary services we perform, so if your part only needed to be cleaned to continue functioning, you'll only be charged for that service. We'll also replace your A06B-6055-H422 SP Amp when it has reached the end of its lifecycle.

Tri Star CNC offers the best selection of FANUC replacement parts. When your part has broken, it will put your whole production process on hold. We have the fastest repair turnaround rate, so we’ll have you back up and running as fast as possible. If you still don’t have time to spare, we can send you a replacement part to move the process along even faster.


Field Service

Our send-in repair services are available for all locations within the U.S. Consult our field service map to see whether on-site maintenance for your A06B-6055-H422 SP Amp is available.


SP AMP A06B-6055-H422

SP Amp A06B-6055-H422 is just fraction of the wide selection of FANUC CNC parts we offer our customers. If you're looking for CNC FANUC parts, we carry just about everything and anything you could need.

Our technologically advanced computer machine parts help keep productions running around the globe and are relied on by businesses who don't have the time to be looking at every offer on the web. If you're looking for new CNC replacement parts to update your operation, Tri Star CNC Services, LLC is the company to call — we make it easy to find and order CNC parts online!

If you're not searching for "CNC replacement parts", it's easy to find the services you need to have your parts restored in no time. Our customers rely on Tri Star CNC Services, LLC because of our ability to quickly and professionally repair parts like the SP AMP. Whether you're down the street or across the world, our technicians will take your parts, fix them, and ship them back to you better than they came as fast as possible. Accessing our high end CNC repair services is easy, you only have to fill out the Return Material Authorization (RMA)! When you do business with Tri Star CNC Services, LLC, you can choose between a number of repair options, such as:



Alarm CodeDescription
01 Spindle motor over temp
02 Actual motor speed is largely deviated from the commanded speed.
03 DC link fuse has blown
04 Detected that the 3-phase input to the main circuit of the PSM has an open phase.
07 The motor rotates at a speed exceeding 115% (standard setting) of the maximum allowable speed.
09 Temperature of the heat sink of the SPM main circuit has risen to the set value.
10 Input power voltage dropped.
11 PSM detected that the DC link voltage was excessively high.
12 Excessively large current flowed into the DC link of the main circuit.
13 Memory inside the CPU is faulty.
15 Spindle switching operation sequence was not executed correctly.
16 The memory (RAM) is faulty.
17 NVRAM is faulty.
19 The offset voltage of the phase U current detection circuit is excessively high.
20 The offset voltage of the phase V current detection circuit is excessively high.
24 The power to the CNC is turned off. (This symptom does not represent an error.) Serial communication data transferred between the CNC and spindle amplifier module contains an error.
25 Serial communication between the CNC and spindle amplifier module stopped.
26 The sensor signal (for speed control) for Cs contour control has an error.
27 The sensor signal (position coder signal) for position control is abnormal.
28 The sensor signal (for position control) for Cs contour control is abnormal.
29 An excessive load (standard setting: load meter reading of 9 V) has been applied continuously for a certain period (standard setting: 30 seconds).
30 An excessively large current is detected at the input of the 3-phase main circuit of the PSM.
31 The motor failed to rotate as specified, and has stopped or is rotating at a very low speed.
32 LSI memory for serial communication is abnormal. A check is made when the power is turned on.
33 The PSM could not be charged within a specified time. PSM input has an open phase.
34 Parameter data outside the specifiable range was set.
35 The gear ratio set in a parameter exceeds the value range allowable for internal processing. This alarm is issued with a parameter related to orientation of magnetic sensor type.
36 Error counter overflowed.
37 After emergency stop signal input, the motor is accelerated without being decelerated. This alarm is issued also when the motor is not deactivated (the motor is not decelerated completely) when the acceleration/deceleration time (initial parameter setting: 10 seconds) has elapsed after emergency stop signal input.
39 The position where the one-rotation signal for Cs contour control is generated is incorrect. This alarm is not issued when the parameter indicated below is not set.
40 The one-rotation signal for Cs contour control is not generated.
41 The position where the one-rotation signal of the α position coder, BZ sensor, MZ sensor, α position coder S is incorrect.
47 The count value of α position coder signal pulses is abnormal. The pulse count value of the MZ sensor or BZ sensor is abnormal.

When a FANUC spindle amp alarm is thrown chances are you'll need support from professionals experienced in FANUC component repairs. Give us a call - phone support is FREE and we'll clearly define your options for parts repair or replacement:

Error codes & alarms

Contact FANUC repair professionals at Tri Star CNC Services to repair the A06B-6055-H422 spindle amplifier.

Parts & Repair Warranty Information

Exchange parts and repaired parts include a 1-year warranty. Tri Star CNC, LLC warrants the COMPLETE ASSEMBLY REPAIR – not just the parts and labor.

Get more details on our warranty and please contact us for further support.

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