How Does a Servo Drive Work?

Servo Drives Regulate the Signal Sent to the Servo Motor

FANUC Servo MotorThe servo drive is a critical component of the precision CNC process. In short—the servo drive coordinates the communication between the control board and the servo motor. If anything goes wrong with the servo drive, the CNC machine won’t work. Tri Star CNC Services, LLC, provides servo drive repairs to CNC machines nationwide.

The servo drive controls current in order to produce torque, and can sometimes control either velocity or control position. By modulating the pulse width of signals sent to the motor, the servo drive can control motor speeds and servo motor position.

An encoder sends a signal back to the control to report the interpretation of the command signal—the drive ensures the proper voltage and frequency is being sent for proper motor movement. In most cases, a CNC machine must synchronize multiple axes of motion. Typically, a servo drive will control the voltage sent to individual motors, and a multiaxis controller coordinates the actions of individual drives.

Servo drives are imperative in controlling instant coordination among CNC components and perfectly direct the movement of the servo motor. When you need repairs, contact Tri Star CNC for fast turnarounds and affordable replacement parts.

How a Servo Drive Works

  1. A command signal is sent from the control board.
  2. The servo drive receives the signal.
  3. The servo drive amplifies the low power signal up to move the servo motor.
  4. A sensor on the servo motor reports the status of the motor to the servo drive through a feedback signal.
  5. The servo drive regulates the voltage frequency to match the initial signal from the control panel.

Nationwide Servo Drive Repairs from Tri Star CNC Services

If a servo drive isn’t working properly, the CNC machinery is compromised. You need your servo unit repaired as soon as possible. Trust Tri Star CNC to perform thorough and complete servo drive repairs for CNC shops nationwide.

Common Servo Drive Problems

When a FANUC AC servo drive is the culprit for errors, your CNC machine may experience the following:

  1. Axis vibration or erratic rotation
  2. Faulty detection circuits
  3. Blown fuses
  4. HC and OVC alarms

Tri Star CNC Services either repairs your malfunctioning servo unit or quickly sends you a replacement from our FANUC exchange stock. If a drive is not currently in stock then we will search for your best option to get you back to production. We have the capability of repairing FANUC servo amplifiers and drives used in the systems 6 and up to and including the latest controls such as 16/18/21iA+B, 0iC+D and 30/31/32iA controls.

Contact the servo drive repair experts at Tri Star CNC for repairs or call us at 815-578-9145 for free technical assistance today.
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