Fanuc PSM Alarm 07, 7 - Power Supply Alarms

FANUC Alarm Codes >> FANUC Power Supply Alarms >> PSM Alarm 07

Disclaimer: Attempting repairs yourself can be dangerous and can void your warranty. Contact us for support.

FANUC PSM Alarm Code 07, 7


Models AffectedDescriptionTroubleshooting

For the PSM-5.5 to PSM-11

In the main circuit, the DC voltage at the DC link is abnormally high.

  1. Excessive regenerated power
    1. Regeneration is impossible The PSM does not have a sufficient capacity. Check the specification of the PSM.
  2. The output impedance of the AC power source is too high.
    1. Check the power source output impedance. (Normal if the voltage variation at maximum output time is within 7%.)
  3. Regeneration circuit failure
    1. Replace the unit.
  4. The main circuit power supply may have been switched off with an emergency stop state released.
    1. Check the sequence.
  5. Contact Tri Star for further support.



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How Tri Star CNC Can Help with FANUC PSM Alarm Code 7

Our servo error experts at Tri Star CNC can help you troubleshoot and provide solutions for your FANUC servo amp alarms. We offer FREE phone support with REAL humans, call 815-578-9145 and we’ll walk through the servo issue with you. If you need on-site support you can check out our field service network to find a service provider near you.

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Send us your damaged FANUC parts, and our skilled technicians will check if they can be repaired. If they can't be fixed or you need a quick solution, you can order replacement parts from our exchange parts stock. All exchanged and repaired parts come with a 1-year warranty. Tri Star CNC covers the entire assembly repair, not just parts and labor.

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